When a company promotes events, a point that cannot be neglected is the consumption of electricity. If you are responsible for planning and development, you need to understand how and why calculate power consumption for events.
Knowing all stages of the project ensures greater assertiveness in the measures to avoid unnecessary expenses with electricity. Having complete control over the equipment used ensures the early identification of potential problems, speeding up corrections.
Imagine being able to calculate energy consumption online without requiring professionals to be exposed to critical environments. With the help of IoT (Internet of Things) it is possible to make accurate and focused monitoring on a single platform. For you to better understand this issue, continue reading this content, throughout the text will be presented:
- The reasons for calculating consumption;
- How to calculate energy consumption in events;
- What are the main benefits of remote monitoring;
Why calculate energy consumption for events?
When you really know how much energy needs to be spent during an event, you can reduce electrical waste. We have in this scenario the energy efficiency that occurs when we use less electricity to achieve more results.
For example, by being aware of how much it will be necessary to invest in this item, the facilities professional will be able to draw up strategies. With a focus on reducing energy costs, he will direct his efforts to define:
- The necessity of hire extra generators to meet some demands and be prepared for any setbacks;
- What materials and equipment will be in accordance with the energy saving such as led lamps or the use of natural resources such as sunlight;
- Direct other professionals to machine monitoring, aiming at guaranteeing maintenance and prior correction in cases of failures.
If there are still doubts as to why knowing the calculation is important, let's show how much 1kWh cost in 2022. According to data collected by ANEEL, the average energy tariff for the country was R$0,688.
Consider that a product/service launch event will require 355kWh. Therefore, the cost of energy is around R$244,24 without considering flags and taxes. In the next topic we will show how technology can be a great ally to prepare the calculation of consumption.
See too: Squair monitors Multishow Award 2022 energy consumption
How to calculate power consumption for events
Calculating energy consumption for events can be a non-challenging task if you have technology in the process. The Internet of Things (IoT) efficiently helps to understand how the company's electricity consumption is going.
The sensors are devices that monitor equipment operation in real time. A maintenance engineer will be able to have control and receive real-time information about the status of each machine.
Companies that promote large events such as the Multishow channel rely on specialized professionals in the area of operational intelligence and energy monitoring.
The 29th edition of the Multishow Awards received support from Squair, a company that developed IoT to automate the process. By centralizing data on a single platform, it was possible to connect dozens of rooms and equipment.
In addition, Squair also encourages more sustainable practices, avoiding the waste of electricity and reducing operating costs.
In order to provide additional information, we will demonstrate the calculation of the energy consumption of a 12000 BTUS air conditioner, which is often used in events. According to the instructions in the manual, the average consumption of this device is 22.8kWh per month.
In order to determine the total energy consumption per day of the event, we can use the following formula:

This equation allows you to calculate the energy cost of the air conditioner. It is important to highlight that the power in watts of the device must be obtained from the manual and that the kWh price must be consulted with the energy distributor.
If you have 10 identical air conditioners and each one is on for 8 hours a day, and considering that each device consumes 760W and its energy tariff is 0.706 R$/kWh, the total energy consumed per day will be 60 .8kWh, which represents a cost of R$42.92. Remember that these numbers are an estimate based on the information provided and may vary according to the actual use of the devices and the energy tariff.
Benefits of remote monitoring of energy consumption
Having knowledge of how much is being consumed at a company event generates several benefits for professionals. The use of tools for process automation and standardization allow remote monitoring of all equipment.
By installing sensors in all devices, it is possible to collect data on electrical consumption and even carbon gas emissions. That's because companies are increasingly concerned about the environmental impacts that your actions have.
Among the main benefits of tracking the activities of an event are:
- Increase energy efficiency;
- Increased safety of professionals;
- Greater speed in reacting to problems;
- Decreased operating costs;
- Real-time supervision.
Below we will discuss a little about each of these advantages, check it out:
Increase energy efficiency
Consumption monitoring provides reports and data, allowing more assertive decision-making and increasing energy efficiency. The efficient management of electrical resources, in addition to avoiding waste, reduces operating costs.
In addition, performing services with less expense also contributes to the sustainable practices. This fact comes from the commitment with the reduction of environmental impacts and the use of natural resources.
For example, an event that takes place during the day can make the most of sunlight, saving on electricity. It is enough for those responsible for the organization to choose a favorable environment for this use.
Increased professional safety
Because the presence of professionals is not necessary on site to maintain monitoring, it becomes more secure. Thus, people are not exposed to critical environments, reducing the possibility of accidents at work.
When a risk situation is identified with the equipment, you can call those responsible without being exposed to danger.
Increased speed in reacting to problems
Having immediate access to information allows any problems to be identified in advance. In this way, interruptions due to power outages or equipment failures are reduced.
For example, let's also consider the idea of launching a product/service and the time of the presentation. The devices have all been checked beforehand, but a few minutes before starting, the neighborhood suffers from an unexpected power outage.
Hiring an extra generator will ensure the continuity of the event until power is restored. The professional responsible for monitoring will guide the new guidelines quickly right from your device, even if you are not on site.
Decrease in operating costs
Counting on technology to monitor energy consumption makes it possible to optimize financial resources from the company. Unsurprisingly, events are often expensive, especially in terms of electricity, but with the right resources these costs come down.
This is because you know exactly what needs to be spent on each step and room related to the event. By having this knowledge, other spaces and equipment that are not being used can be turned off to avoid waste.
Real-time supervision
The use of IoT in equipment allows it to be monitored in real time while the system collects data for analysis. It is due to this comprehensive supervision that other benefits arise, such as increased energy efficiency.
When you know how to calculate power consumption for events, access to information becomes even more essential. Because the professional starts to better understand the reading of the data and find the best solutions for the event to occur in the right way.
Furthermore, by automating processes, professionals gain more autonomy to monitor equipment and resolve unforeseen events. All you need is to find the right tool to be by your side, like Squair's.
With a 360º view, the monitoring and consumption control platform is easy to use and fully scalable. It is the perfect solution so that your event does not consume more than necessary to be a success.
Operational intelligence with environmental responsibility is with Squair, come and learn more about our services. Ensure that your events are in line with sustainable guidelines based on intelligent monitoring.